sábado, septiembre 22, 2012


"...la chica de rojo la llaman
los hombres con mucha razon
porque a mas de uno le ha robado todo el corazon..."
La chica de rojo - Los Palmeras.

Por la octava fecha del Inicial se enfrentaron Atlético de Rafaela y el Club Atlético Tigre, en un partido que se esperaba que sea muy disputado, dado la buena racha que lleva jugando en su estadio el conjunto local y la avidez de triunfo que traía la visita, que en este torneo todavía no pudo hacer pie ni repetir la buena performance del anterior.
Y tal lo previsto, anoche se pudo observar un match de ida y vuelta donde el Matador se plantó mejor en la cancha, dominando todas las acciones del juego. Pero rachas son rachas y el equipo de Arruabarena se encuentra atravesando una nefasta, ya que todas las buenas acciones que llevó a cabo, se toparon con la figura del arquero de La Crema: Guillermo Sara, estrella y héroe en una noche consagratoria en la que atajó todo lo que le tiraron, incluído un penal en el minuto 53.
Así fue que, clausurado su propio arco por el golero, Atlético Rafaela aprovechó a golpear cada vez que pudo llegar con algo de claridad a la valla contraria, marcando un 3-0 final que no se condice para nada con el trámite del cotejo, y dejando satisfecho a sus hinchas con los tres puntos obtenidos y preocupando a su rival de turno que se debe haber ido pensando que si no ganaban un partido tan favorabe como el de anoche, no ganan mas.
Mientras tanto, pudimos observar el nacimiento de un nuevo ídolo en las huestes rafaelinas. Repito: Guillermo Sara, el hombre que viste de rojo, fue amo y señor del cotejo y, sumado a las buenas actuaciones que está logrando, se ha transformado definitivamente en un caudillo del equipo, referente para los hinchas que lo despidieron con una ovación, sostén para sus compañeros e ídolo para las futuras generaciones que ya lo veneran.



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1:59 a. m.  
Blogger anosh said...

IKEA installation in Riyadh in the installation of kitchens
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The IKEA Furniture Technician in Riyadh has the best specialists in decoding and installing IKEA Kitchens properly, as IKEA Kitchens are installed and installed by professionals who need to work in this field.
The IKEA installation technician in Riyadh also has two carpenters specialized in dismantling and assembling IKEA furniture, whether new or used in a very good and accurate manner, in order to ensure the confidence of its customers and the performance of a distinguished service to them with a high quality beyond the service of any other company specializing in the same field, IKEA Riyadh Company to keep the pieces of furniture broken or twisted or IKEA IKEA installation in Riyadh in the installation of kitchens
The IKEA Furniture Technician in Riyadh has the best specialists in decoding and installing IKEA Kitchens properly, as IKEA Kitchens are installed and installed by professionals who need to work in this field.
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The IKEA installation technician in Riyadh also has two carpenters specialized in dismantling and assembling IKEA furniture, whether new or used in a very good and accurate manner, in order to ensure the confidence of its customers and the performance of a distinguished service to them with a high quality beyond the service of any other company specializing in the same field, IKEA Riyadh Company to keep the pieces of furniture broken or twisted or scratches that make it cost a lot of repair again.
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The IKEA Furniture Installation Technician in Riyadh provides IKEA furniture and decomposition services in a very distinctive way. The trained workers are able to dismantle and install IKEA beds and cabinets if you want to move the furniture from one place to another place at very low prices and exact prices.
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Without any additional losses or costs, no matter how difficult the jaw or the installation, and they do their work quietly and confidently to improve the comfort desired by family members is wonderful
They can also coordinate the places of the furniture so as to give the beautiful aesthetic form, without taking into account such work to complete your work without distracting you, these things make you devote to your work and you are satisfied that the IKEA collection technician in Riyadh is coordinating and installation of furniture in a professional way and put it in the appropriate places to get On the latest decorations and distinctive modern through the company installed IKEA furniture in Riyadh.
Collecting furniture for the bedrooms and travel IKEA Riyadh
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The IKEA furniture installation company in Riyadh has the ability to decode and install the contents of the dining room as well as the seats. These pieces of furniture are the most difficult pieces in the jaw and the installation, especially that they are in a special place of the house and must appear in the appropriate manner that makes your home distinctive and beautiful, That their presence in the house is very important,

10:57 a. m.  
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3:21 a. m.  
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10:40 p. m.  
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11:18 a. m.  
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9:09 p. m.  
Anonymous Anil said...

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4:31 a. m.  
Anonymous Anil said...

Nice info

4:41 a. m.  
Anonymous Anil said...

Thank you

4:42 a. m.  

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